preschool Mission Viejo

Think.. Create… Motivate…

Discover Learning….

Montessori Aliso Viejo

Quality Preschool that Features Montessori Methodology

Academy on the Hills offers an academically-focused creative learning experience for Infants (6 weeks) through Kindergarten (6 years).

There is no other time in life when so much is learned within the FIRST FIVE YEARS! Our goal, for each student, is to foster and sustain emotional well-being, positive social interactions among peers, creativity, language skills, and intellectual curiosity in a safe and warm environment.

Our classrooms are professionally designed and age-appropriate, each equipped with their own dramatic play, math, and reading centers.

We believe that a positive sense of well-being is essential to successful learning!

We have crafted a developmentally appropriate, theme-based preschool curriculum that builds upon Montessori Methodology.Our curriculum is designed to promote growth, independence, and positive self-esteem.

We take pride in our highly-qualified and experienced preschool teachers who are prepared to serve each child in their unique capacities.

For more information on our school or to schedule a tour, please contact us directly.

Parents, for more information on our monthly activities, contact your child’s teacher for all of the month’s exciting activites.

“This institution is an equal opportunity Provider & Employer”

preschool aliso viejo

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